December 20, 2011

Tales of a "constructive piler"

So I believe it is safe to say that I suffer from craft ADD.....I switch from item to item when I am tired of looking at one for an extensive period of time. I tend to pile my stuff all over the house in organized piles...constructive piling. I am really good at starting projects, and not so great at finishing them. So project "get rid of mom's fabric" is daunting for a few reasons. 1) she has boxes and boxes of fabric...ugh. 2) my husband is not on the clutter bandwagon, hence I need to be mindful of leaving crap all over the house so I don't drive him absolutely bat nutty. 3). I am not great at finishing projects, so this will require intense focus and some serious discipline on my part. 4). Unlike most of you out in quilting blog-land, I haven't actually "quilted" my first quilt yet. Argh! Not to say I am not up for the challenge, but I love the piecing part of quilting, but the last four quilts I finished piecing, I took to the helpful ladies at Cornerstone Quilt Shoppe in Fairfield to finish on their long arms. I am fully capable of quilting myself...I have the appropriate sewing foot, and basic knowledge on how to do it, but let's face is scary. I have read several tutorials on how, and it seems straightforward enough, but geez....I am intimidated. I guess I will need to just get over it and try it. Millions ( or hundreds...not too sure) of you out there seem to do it on your own just I just need to get over it.So, when I say I am in the middle of six quilts, believe me this is an under exaggeration. When I have liked piecing a pattern, I go big and piece two or three of the same quilt at the same time! Why? Yes, I am crazy...but a couple of weeks ago, I had one of my "moments of brilliance" (always in the shower....not too sure why on that one). I had just gone to a craft show with my friend Jen from work, and I was walking around thinking how familiar it felt to go to this type of show. Then it dawned on me that I used to frequent craft shows with my mom. She and her best friend, Gayle, used to sew each week together in preparation for these shows during the holidays. They would make makeup bags, Kleenex tissue holders, and all sorts of ornaments and other holiday crafts. When I make it down to the parents house to start cleaning out her craft room, I plan on looking for some of these items that they made together. She and Gayle would rent a booth a couple times a year and show their stuff. I remember her doing very well a few times and was able to pay for the Christmas gifts with her profits. So, back to the shower, I was thinking, I could continue to be a crafting junkie and accumulate lots of stuff if I had a place to sell it. There is an annual craft show circuit in Davis that I started reading about...and hey...I could do this! And I will be able to keep the hubby happy by ridding of the craft clutter. Brilliant, eh? I asked my knitting neighbor, Naomi, to join me on this quest...she seems interested. I am excited! So the multiples of the same quilt? Well, the idea is that I would donate one and sell one at the next years craft fair. I think it is brilliant. Plus, I plan on exhibiting other goodies I make as well.....aprons, pillowcases, jewelry...etc. I know i am crazy, huh? For those of you out there brave enough to put your stuff out to sell, kudos to you. It is very difficult for me, the avid people-pleaser to do that. I admire your courage and ability to make what you like and not care what others think about it. I am excited and am just getting me take off!

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