April 26, 2016

More lunch and dinner ideas....

I am diving into more and more recipes these days as I re-gain my confidence cooking again.  Check out the recipe page for more ideas for lunch or dinner!

April 16, 2016

What's for Dinner?

I added some more recipes to the blog that helps answer that question, "What's for dinner?"  I even added a couple of recipes that are super quick and easy that will keep you cooking and not ordering takeout.  Give them a try!

April 11, 2016

Nom Nom Paleo Inspired Recipes to Share

Hey Gang--

I have been collecting Paleo and Gluten free recipes for a while now, and I have really enjoyed this particular cookbook, Nom Nom Paleo.  This gal has her own paleo blog and lots of recipes to try. This is especially good to satisfy your need for Asian cuisine, as there is a lot of asian inspired recipes inside.  I chose a few of my fav recipes to highlight on my new blog section of Gluten Free / Paleo / Leaky Gut Recipes.  Even if you aren't Gluten free, these recipes are a hit amongst the "normal eaters" and packed full of flavor.  Enjoy!!!!

April 9, 2016


I thought I might start posting good recipes as I am experimenting in the kitchen.  I went ahead and uploaded all the yummy recipes that I tried during my leaky gut diet days.  I will be updating this area of the blog as I find success in altering classic recipes and trying new things.  Enjoy!!!!!

Gluten Free / Paleo / Leaky Gut Diet Recipes