October 23, 2012

Entertaining myself while in jury duty

Been taking a little hiatus from quilting and jamming.  Following a difficult visit to the doc, I was tasked with losing 40 lbs.  This is no easy feat for anyone, much less anyone who loves food as much as I do.  So, I have been getting back in the groove of swimming four times a week.  Not very motivated as the air has turned chilly and they haven't seemed to take a clue at the gym and turn on the pool heater.  But, nonetheless, I am trying.  Unfortunately, this cuts into my quilting and jamming time....the price of staying healthy.

I started my day with putting together the "red quilt".  I had it all pinned and decided on a more structured loopdy loop pattern than I have done before.  All went well until I reached the end of the quilting and I noticed that the back fabric puckered a bit....ugh.  No matter how long i spend pinning, I always manage a pucker or two in the back.  It's frustrating, but obviously not enough to utilize the seam ripper and start over.  I think this one came out much better than previous quilts, however, I would like to figure out how to keep everything laying flat.  Truth be told, if I cleaned off the end of the table, I am sure that the quilt would lay flat as I navigate those curls, but that requires way too much effort right now.  I wanted to get this quilt done so that I can begin putting the "orange quilt" together and begin piecing the yellow quilt.  The orange zig zag came out so cute with the background linen that I used...it's going to be difficult to give up.  I haven't quite decided how I am going to quilt it yet, but I am thinking about doing a meandering zig zag pattern in white thread.  I welcome any thoughts you may have.  The yellow quilt will be strips of triangles sewn together.  It's a pattern called strawberry pie, but because I am doing it in yellows, I am going to call it lemon meringue pie.  It should be sunny and cheerful.  Already making plans for the green quilt....I may actually finish this challenge before the year is over!

I have the binding mostly done on the red quilt and plan on finishing it as soon as I get out of here for the day.  The most annoying thing about jury duty today is that they called us in to be here at 11am....we watched a video and were promptly excused for lunch.  So far, unimpressed by our judicial system.