Thai Green Curry with Chicken and Basil

Since going gluten free, I have come to love and appreciate Thai curries.  My complaint before my diet transformation was that they tended to be too sweet.  I tend to gravitate towards more savory and creamy curries, like those found in Indian and Nepalese cuisine.  But, being that coconut milk has become my new best friend because my gut loves any coconut product, I have been eating a lot more Thai curry.  I found a couple of local restaurants that make their curries a bit more savory than sweet, so this week, I decided to embark into unchartered territory and try to make a Thai curry on my own. On the McCormick website (the company that owns the Thai Kitchen brand of condiments), they had a recipe for green curry with chicken and basil, and I decided to give it a whirl.  The results were surprisingly easy and good.  Hubs gave this recipe two thumbs up.  Give it a try when you have leftover cooked chicken and leftover veggies you need to use.

Thai Green Curry with Chicken and Basil

2 cans unsweetened coconut milk
3/4 - 1 cup chicken or veggie stock
1/2 cup chopped fresh basil leaves
4 Tbsp fish sauce
3 Tbsp Thai Kitchen Green Curry Paste
1 1/2 cups assorted chopped vegetables (I used broccoli florets, bok choy, red bell pepper, and asparagus)
2 cooked chicken breasts (I used one that was cooked for another recipe in sous vide, and one that was grilled that I purchased from our local grocery store deli counter)

Mix the coconut milk, chicken stock, fish sauce, and green curry paste in a large saucepan and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat to medium low and simmer for 15-20 minutes.  Stir in basil, chicken and vegetables and cook about 10 minutes longer until chicken is heated through.  Serve immediately over cooked rice.  Enjoy!

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