Majestic Maple Gelato

If you are like me and have found yourself in the Gluten free realm, you may have also been hesitant to try new things knowing the potential risks involved with accidentally ingesting the wrong thing.  I have been very cautious trying new things as of late, but have recently been pushing myself (with the gentle nudges from the hubby) to experiment in the kitchen again.  I have been craving ice cream something fierce.  I don't crave sweets all that often, but my favorite dessert is ice cream.  Unfortunately many of the commercial brands out there use a wheat based stabilizer in their process.  However, I realize many brands out there do not use this wheat stabilizer, but I also have to avoid corn, processed sugar, and soy which can be difficult in commercial products.  Honestly I had just written off ice cream, but when expressing my craving to hubs, he so matter-of-factly pointed out, "Can't you just make some using maple syrup or honey?"  It just never occurred to me.  So I jumped on the internet to find a recipe for Maple Ice Cream or Gelato.  Here is what I found:

Majestic Maple Gelato (adapted from a recipe I found on

1 cup Maple syrup (I used Grade A)
2 cups Milk (I used half and half because I didn't have milk)
2 cups Cream
4 Egg yolks (used my chickens' eggs)
1 pinch sea salt 

Pour maple syrup into a small saucepan and heat over medium at a simmer for about 5-7 mins, until it reduces slightly. Add the milk and cream to the pan and continue heating over low-medium heat, stirring constantly, for about 7 mins. Remove from the heat.

Separate your 4 eggs and place the yolks in the bowl of a stand mixer or in a medium-size bowl if you have a hand-held beaters. Beat the 4 egg yolks with the whisk attachment (or by hand) until they are light yellow and frothy. Very gradually pour your hot milk into the yolk mixture while the machine is running.
Pour the the entire mixture back into the saucepan and stir constantly over medium-low heat until the mixture lightly coats the back of a wooden spoon (about 10 mins). If you over do it and the eggs scramble, as I said above, just buzz with the immersion blender for about 2 seconds until it is a uniform liquid again.

Chill for a long time... if you are short on time start it in the freezer for the initial cool-down and then move to the fridge before ice crystals start to form. You want it to be cold before you put it in the ice cream maker. Retrieve cold custard from refrigerator (it won't be really thick like an American idea of custard) and pour into your ice cream machine. Go ahead and process in the ice cream maker until it is cold, thick, and creamy.  Place into a container and freeze overnight.

This may be my new favorite treat!  Thanks Ryan for encouraging me to try it.

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