December 30, 2013

Wow! It's the end of 2013!

Hey gang!

Don't let my silence the past few months fool you.  I have been extremely busy crafting the past months of 2013....I just could not find the time to take pics and post them.  Well, that and a two month jaunt around the world.  I made several baby quilts for friends, a quilt for a breast cancer walk, lots of wine bags, lens bags, a pillowcase, and about a zillion vintage aprons (okay, maybe just 20 or so...) Which brings me to one of my new year's resolutions.....To remember to take time to take photos of my work and post information about the projects.  The more I learn in my kitchen and my craft room, the more I take my skills for granted.  I never felt that doing crafts was any big deal.  It was just something I always did....whether it was stitching, drawing, sewing, calligraphy, scrapbooking, cooking, whatever...I just always need to keep busy with something.  I am often surprised at the number of folks that I know that have never learned to sew, craft, cook, work a glue gun, etc...and I guess I shouldn't be.  My mom was an extraordinary woman that found solace in her crafts and loved to teach me how to do all of it.  Hindsight is 20/20, as I wish I had spent more time with her to learn more sewing skills, but I feel like even now she guides me through my projects as I try to learn from patterns and directions.  Reading and comprehending directions was never one of my best skills.  This really worked for me in the end most of the time as I learned more by doing than by reading anyways, but I always wished I had more patience like she did when it came to deciphering instructions.

But, I have amazed myself with the number of projects I have completed this year.  One of my many flaws is that I have a hard time completing projects.  However, since I started jamming a couple of years ago and quilting, I am pleased at the number of completed projects, especially this year.  I am especially proud that I tackled a few very difficult patterns as well as attempted some applique skills.    I taught myself how to make ruffles on my aprons and follow a halter top pattern as well as take several patterns and make my own out of ideas from many patterns.  Yay me!

Another 2014 goal is to share some of my skills with folks out there.  A few friends from work have asked for sewing lessons, so I am planning on opening up the house and teaching pillowcases...then aprons.  Also, I plan on resuming setting up the "foodie club" at work so that I can have a forum to share some cooking skills with the folks that are interested at work.  I have even been asked to be a personal chef.  What a compliment!

Finally, in 2014 I am going to attempt making clothes.  The most complicated clothing item I have ever made is a pair of boxers, though I would argue that the tiered ruffles on the apron was a little challenging.  I have a couple dress patterns that I am going to attempt.  Wish me luck!

Well, as I have no pics to share, I will close out 2013 with this:  Thank you for believing in me, even though I have trouble believing in myself.  Thank you for supporting my crafting habit by taking my jam off the counter, wearing my aprons, and giving my quilts to folks.  And most important, thank you Ryan for building me my craft room and being supportive of my many habits.  I know the clutter is annoying, but you are a good sport.

Happy Crafting!  Come on by and craft with me!  Have a safe and happy new year.


March 4, 2013

Pinwheel, pinwheel, spinning around....

OMG...I have spring fever!  I have been teased these past few weeks of sunny 60/70 degree weather in northern I am sporting the capris, flip flops, tank tops and tees, and spring colors of teal, orange, yellow, royal blue and green....then it turned cold again.  Ugh. My back started aching something fierce and its been raining on and off...and I have walked out to a frozen car on my way to work three days this week.  I've begrudgingly put the closed toed shoes back on, long sleeves, and the jeans.  Ugh.  Oh well.  I guess Phil was a little optimistic in his early spring projection.

I've been super busy crafting these past two months of 2013.  I was asked to make a quilt for a little boy, but with little guidance, so I made three options for the requester to choose from.  I have yet to quilt them because my new craft room doesn't allow for quilting ease since the table is up against the wall.  But I have plans this weekend to relocate to the front room to do some serious quilting.  I received a free pattern in the mail from one of my many quilting magazines that really spoke to me.  I didn't like the colors they used in their quilt, but I really enjoyed choosing my own fabrics for the pattern.  I chose some bold red, yellow, lime green and navy fabrics for this cute modified pinwheel quilt.  Dad's friend Debi asked for the quilt and loved it, so I am happy to sell her this quilt.

I couldn't stop at one pinwheel though.  I really like making pinwheel crafts.  There is something whimsical and happy about them.  I think they remind me of sitting in the yard with the family as a kid and being fascinated as they spin and the colors they produce.  Hours of entertainment for me!  A few months ago, I ordered the Modern Quilt blocks book and fell in love with over half the blocks in there.  Since I committed to doing the rainbow of quilts, I decided to honor my commitment to finish all those quilts, but I kept flipping through this book with longing.

In particular I really liked this one block called Pinwheel.  Its actually a very simple pattern with very little in the way of putting it together, but I really liked its simplicity.  So I decided to make my version simple as well.  I'm not good at copying a quilt design verbatim, but I love taking great ideas and tweaking them to make them my own.  I love the "denim" color background and the cute pinwheel fabric I ordered a while back.  I just put together the top...and I am hoping to quilt it this weekend.  I was asked to donate some quilts to auctions for some elementary schools and for a dance club so I am hoping one of those groups like this quilt...because I really like it!

Fun with Pinwheels!

One day, I just didn't feel like quilting very much, but I had been wanting to try to alter Jeni's lined drawstring bag pattern to hold a wine bottle.  I was asked to make some wine bags, so I spent an afternoon experimenting with measurements, I nailed it....thanks Jeni!  I love your bags!

New Wine bags!  Love these....

Also, I have been interested in starting to make clothing.  But, I am a little intimidated especially since mom isn't around to ask questions like I was used to doing for so many years.  So I decided to start small.....Aprons!  I downloaded about five apron patterns and found a couple I liked in my sewing books, so I tried a few.  I love how they came out...big thanks to the bloggers out there with really easy to understand directions!  I hope the people that I made these for like them.   The best part about aprons...they use a lot of fabric and don't take a long time to quick results and a stash eater!  Woo Hoo!!!

Susie's Vintage half apron

I decided that after I honor my few sewing commitments I have made, I am going to spend some time quilting what I want to quilt for a little while.  I haven't lost the passion, but I really want to love the projects I work on for a little while.  This is not to say that I won't make items for other people, but I am really going to actively try to use the fabric I want to use, try new patterns that look interesting, and not worry so much about reducing the stash as much.  After all, I am doing this whole thing for me, right?  I should really love what I make.  I got to get to the sewing machine.

Happy Crafting!!!