December 29, 2012

Reflection...2012 Accomplishments

I was asked the other day how many quilts I have made this year.  I wasn't sure, so I spent some time this evening totaling them up.  Not including the ones that still need to be bound and quilted, I completed 17 quilts in 2012!  That also doesn't include the other sewing projects: Lined drawstring bags, an apron, bean bags.....That is more than I ever imagined I would I am pretty stoked and proud!  Though I made many of them as gifts, I am building up a stash of quilts for donation as well as for an art show I am aiming to enter next year.  Thank you to those of you who believed in me enough to make these quilts for your loved ones.  Thank you for reading my silly rants over the last year.  Thank you for asking me about my latest creative endeavor.  I appreciate all the help, support and encouragement over the year.

I know I haven't posted much in the last month, but I put away the sewing machine to work on cleaning up the craft room.  It was long overdue for a cleaning overhaul and I have been promising the hubby for quite some time now.  This week, I managed to discover the table top in there and cleaned it off!

The Craft Room (aka "crap room")

Today, I spent three glorious hours cutting and sewing the quilt top for the "blue" quilt using my new room.  I loved staring out the window while I sewed and I am looking forward to many more hours at the machine in there.  I am hoping to finish the blue top tomorrow so I can finish piecing the "green" quilt this weekend.  I still don't know what I want to do for the "purple" quilt, but I will try to decide this weekend too.  Although I didn't finish my rainbow of quilts by the end of 2012, I still have accomplished so much and I think I will be able to finish by the end of January.  Then I can start my next set of quilts....tribute to the holidays.

Thanks again everyone...see you in 2013!!

Happy New Year and Happy Crafting!!!!